Steve Hacker's

Pickwick Lake Smallmouth Services, Inc.

Featuring Catch and Release Fishing for Trophy Smallmouth Bass


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Fish From Wilson Lake

To view the pictures below, click on the thumbnails (NOT the text description underneath) to view the full-sized picture.

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Ken Bass/Casey Graves    4/7/2000                                              23 bass over 3# boated on tubes and crankbaits. Mike Gile, Mark Weare, Millage Weare     Hebbs Cross, Nova Scotia, CANADA        3/13/2000  38 bass boated on tubes and C-rigs Billy Brindle   Calhoun,GA                                               12/16/04   Spinnerbait Ronnie Ray/Hoyt Tidwell 12/14/04                                              Five best over 28#                              Yamamoto Fat Ika and Spinnerbaits


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Brad Barker/Bill Balsi                     March 28, 2000                                  Five best over25#                                            Over 20 bass on Tubes and DB3 crankbaits Larry Pugh/Steve Taylor               May 9, 2003                                     Tubes, spinnerbaits, crankbaits, and C-rig Steve with largemouths caught 12/3/04     Plastic Grubs Bill Balsi   Reno, NV   Same info as pic at left.

1901 County Road 10, Florence, Alabama 35633-2959

Phone: (256)760-8090       E-mail:



Acts 2:38                                                   Long May She Wave!                                              Mark 16:16

                                        With Deepest Thanks to All Veterans, Past and Present.