Steve Hacker's

Pickwick Lake Smallmouth Services, Inc.

Featuring Catch and Release Fishing for Trophy Smallmouth Bass


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Big Pickwick Smallmouths

Here's Tom Smith (Jeff's Dad) with some of the fish we caught in a tournament way back in September 1989. We had drawn as partners, but were actually fishing against each other. We got to the first fishing hole and Tom said, "Here, put some of this on your jig," and held out a can of WD-40. I said, "Nice try!", thinking he was trying to get me to put something on that would repel the fish (I should have known better, knowing Tom). Turns out that it became common for guys to use WD-40 as a fish attractant in following years. I ended up winning the tournament with fish I caught on a white bucktail, but  have to admit that Tom should have won it easily, losing several big fish that day hooked on a black bucktail--doused with WD-40!

To view the pictures below, click on the thumbnails (NOT the text description underneath) to view the full-sized picture.

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C.P. Gum, B.G, KY       10/30/00                    6# 6oz. AaronWaller                  Tullahoma, TN               Bumble Bee Boats Al Weinblatt            June '96                  Buffalo Grove, IL          6# 11(?)oz.                   Black Bucktail Bill Balsi, Jr.             Reno, NV   4/3/2000   Tubes Blake Brindle, Calhoun, GA               3/23/02                              1 oz. Spinnerbait Bob Grube, St. Louis       6# 5oz.                   11/1/05


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Dave Venable              Greenwood, IN            Crankbait David Wood and Robert Haston Shelbyville, TN   11/18/02 Dave Mansell/Roger Fuller     5/26/98 Fred Wiseman/Bob Grube       10/25/01 Fred Wiseman/Bob Grube       11/1/05 Jim Bruce/Tom Fouts   Cornelia, GA 5/19/98


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Frank Mann           B'Ham, AL     11/16/2000                          Big Fish: 7# 2oz.           Five Best: 28# 10oz. Blake Brindle, Calhoun, GA 3/6/03 Brad White        Marion, IN  4/17/98 Chris Armstrong,        Senatobia, MS 10/29/04                       6#8oz.                               Five Best: 27# 9oz. Dave Dvorak            Westchester, IL        11/19/97       Grub     David Tidrick     Fairview, TN  12/21/01                        over 6#       


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Kevin Moore, Reno,NV                        2/12/02                  Tubes Kevin Moore, Reno,NV                        2/13/02                  Tubes                      (Day after picture at left) Caleb/Larry Tipton        Romulus, MI              July 9, 2001 Trey and Larry Nolan     Memphis, TN            May '94                         All 4 fish over 6# Lisa and Lou Zaydon   Harrisburg, PA       March 24, 2000 Marlin Skillern/Mike Childress. Bowling Green, KY 10/18/01  All these fish were caught off one hole, and released back to the same hole immediately after picture was made.


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Dick "Keep 'em Kirbed" Bengraff .  Castleton, NY   March'97                                    5 best approx. 25#                 Grubs and bucktails Don Jones, Nashville, TN 11/24/97 Steve with smallmouth over 6# caught on Zara Spook on        May 26, 1998 Don Wirth           Outdoor Writer Extraordinaire. Nashville, TN 10/30/97 Don Perry         B'Ham, AL   3/18/98                        6# 6oz.                  White Bucktail Jeff Long              South Bend, IN           5# 2oz. and 6#4oz.            Shad Rap

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1901 County Road 10, Florence, Alabama 35633-2959

Phone: (256)760-8090       E-mail:



Acts 2:38                                                   Long May She Wave!                                              Mark 16:16

                                        With Deepest Thanks to All Veterans, Past and Present.