Steve Hacker's

Pickwick Lake Smallmouth Services, Inc.

Featuring Catch and Release Fishing for Trophy Smallmouth Bass


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Big Pickwick Smallmouths

To view the pictures below, click on the thumbnails (NOT the text description underneath) to view the full-sized picture.

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Frank Wojciechowski        Frederick, MD         12/27/04                   Grubs and tubes Jack Browning        Madison, WI             August 7, 2003        Grubs and tubes James Graham           Collierville, TN          10/13/00 Jay Bradley                Moody, AL                    Jeff Kelble, VA          12/27/04 Jim Hefner                    St. Louis, MO             4/27/00


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Kevin Moore             Reno, NV                  Tube Laura and Chuck    Hannaford                 Germantown, TN     Summer                      48 bass boated on grubs, lizards, and worms. Mat Lipscomb III       10/18/02 Mat Lipscomb, Jr. and Mat Lipscomb III     10/13/99 Steve and Mike Graham Collierville, TN         3/14/01                        Five best: 24# 14oz.       Tubes Pam and Keith Gottfried                     Lombard, IL


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Jon Radt                    Palatka, FL Steve with May 7 pounder Joseph Poole              Stockbridge, GA       3/28/02 Joseph Poole              Stockbridge, GA        4/20/04 Justin Mosby             McClure, IL               3/23/98                         White Bucktail Kevin Moore               Reno, NV                    


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Steve Peggs and      Richard Cheek        Memphis, TN Steve and Pat Walczak                   Cotton Candy grubs and bucktails Billy and Blake Brindle                        Calhoun, GA               12/16/03                           I tallied their fish on paper as they boated them, and we quit that afternoon when they boated their 100th bass! Mike Whitten           Germantown, TN       Melvin Ables             Ramsey, IN               12/15/98                   Cotton Candy grub Mike Graham           Collierville, TN        5/18/98


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Larry Pugh               2/20/04                      Tubes and grubs Pam Gottfried          Lombard, IL              10/12/98 Pam Gottfried            Lombard, IL                10/15/98 Ray Miller                  Conway, AR                11/1/01 Ray Miller                  Conway, AR                June 14, 2002 Ray Miller                  Conway, AR                October 18, 2005


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Ray Miller                Conway, AR              10/14/99 Rick Hart                 Bonne Terre, MO   10/4/02 Sherry Whitten         Germantown, TN      Steve Huff                   Duck Key, FL             Steve is an internationally famous guide and fly-fisherman, and caught this smallmouth on a VERY foggy day in December on a flyrod and streamer. 12/19/97 Tom Fouts                   Cornelia, GA              10/10/01 Tom Fouts                   Cornelia, GA              10/8/03


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Tom Fouts                 Cornelia, GA           11/13/98 Tom Orr                   White Bucktail Tom Orr                     Poe's 300                                   A VERY cold and nasty December day. Tom Stemberger      Griffin, GA                June 21, 1999           Cotton Candy grub    One of 21 smallmouths we caught from one point. Trey Nolan                Memphis, TN            September 20, 1999 Trey Nolan                Memphis, TN            This picture may be from the May '95 trip when Trey, his Dad, Larry, and I boated 91 bass, most smallmouths, and most on Baby Torpedoes and a few on Flukes.

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1901 County Road 10, Florence, Alabama 35633-2959

Phone: (256)760-8090       E-mail:



Acts 2:38                                                   Long May She Wave!                                              Mark 16:16

                                        With Deepest Thanks to All Veterans, Past and Present.